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How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help Headaches and Neck Pain

Written By Health For Life Chiropractic on February 9, 2023

neck pain

Headaches and neck strain can make it hard to work, sleep, and spend time with family and friends. Whether you’ve just suddenly developed headaches, migraines, or neck pain or your symptoms have come on gradually over time, chiropractic treatment can help. If you are dealing with headaches and neck pain, looking for a “chiropractor near me in Douglasville” is a great start. 

Determining the Cause of Your Symptoms

The first thing our chiropractor will do is try to identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. For neck pain, that might be your posture, a misalignment of the spine, past injuries or surgery, repetitive stress, age-related disc degeneration, or a genetic condition. For headaches, your triggers could be stress, fatigue, dehydration, diet, environmental factors, or side effects from illness or medications. Once our chiropractor understands the root cause of your headaches or neck pain, he can develop a chiropractic treatment plan.

Designing a Safe, Effective Treatment Plan

Chiropractors are committed to finding the least invasive, most effective treatment for each patient. Our chiropractor may try multiple chiropractic treatments or recommend a combination of treatment to give you the best chance of a successful recovery. Common chiropractic neck pain and headache treatments are chiropractic care and spinal decompression therapy.

Providing Continuing and Preventative Care

Once your symptoms have eased, you can continue to visit our chiropractor for preventative care. This will reduce your risk that your headaches or neck pain will come back again in the future. Our chiropractor can also provide education and instruction on home exercises and stretches, lifestyle changes, posture correction, and workplace ergonomics, all of which will help you maintain your health and remain pain-free. 

Don’t Let Headaches and Neck Pain Keep You from Living Your Life—Visit Us Today

If you’re tired of letting headaches and neck pain prevent you from taking part in activities you enjoy, come see us at Health for Life Chiropractic. Our chiropractor, Dr. Hattaway, has been providing safe, effective chiropractic treatment in Douglasville since 1998, and is committed to helping patients live happy, healthy, pain-free lives. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (770) 489-0187.

Posted In: Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment