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Headache Treatment With Chiropractic Care

Written By Health For Life Chiropractic on August 3, 2023

a photo of a guy with a headache

Chiropractic care is a safe, drug-free, and non-invasive treatment method for a variety of health conditions, including headaches and migraines. If your headaches have increased in pain level or frequency and are affecting your daily life, you should visit Health For Life Chiropractic. Here’s a look at the most effective chiropractic headache treatments in Douglasville, GA.    

Determining the Cause of Your Headaches

The first thing our chiropractors will do is try to determine the underlying cause of your headaches. They may do blood tests, ask you about your medical history, discuss medications you’re taking, and ask you about your lifestyle and habits. The most common causes of headaches are:

  • Food sensitivities or allergies.
  • Alcohol. 
  • Side effects of medications.
  • Certain medical conditions.
  • Poor posture.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Hypotension or hypertension.
  • Thyroid issues.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Stress or tension.
  • Sleep disorders or changes in sleep habits.
  • Allergies or sinus issues.
  • Environmental triggers like smell, sound, light, or weather.

Developing a Headache Treatment Plan

Once our chiropractors have a better understanding of what is causing your headaches, they can develop a customized chiropractic headache treatment plan. They will likely combine more than one chiropractic therapy to give you the best chance of reducing the frequency of your headaches. Chiropractic adjustments can alleviate headache pain, reduce tension and stress, and improve your blood flow and circulation. This is an incredibly effective treatment option for stress headaches and cervicogenic headaches.

Preventing Future Headaches

Our chiropractors may also suggest that you make certain lifestyle changes to prevent future headaches. This could include:

  • Increased exercise.
  • Stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, mindfulness, journaling, or deep breathing.
  • Improved sleep habits.
  • Reduction of caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Creating a more ergonomic work environment.
  • Improving posture.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Taking vitamins and nutritional supplements. 
  • Taking up a hobby.
  • Spending more time with family and friends.

Schedule a Consultation for Headache Treatment in Douglasville, GA 

Don’t let chronic or acute headaches prevent you from living a happy, full life. Visit us at Health for Life Chiropractic to discuss our options for headache treatment in Douglasville, GA. We specialize in finding safe, effective, drug-free solutions that improve our patients’ overall health and wellness. We can assess the underlying cause of your headaches and find the best solution for you. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Headache Treatment