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What Are the Most Effective Sciatica Treatments?

Written By Health For Life Chiropractic on November 3, 2023

a lady with hip pain

Sciatica symptoms are debilitating and can make it hard to live a healthy, happy life. Unfortunately, many medical doctors immediately suggest prescription medications or surgical procedures to treat sciatica. Surgical options require a lengthy recovery period and come with significant risks and complications. Health For Life Chiropractic can assess the underlying cause of your sciatica symptoms, and recommend one or more of these non-invasive, drug-free sciatica treatments in Douglasville, GA

Chiropractic Care

The goal of chiropractic care is to eliminate chronic or acute pain and treat medical conditions using non-surgical, drug-free treatment methods. Chiropractors locate, identify, and treat conditions of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system, and focus on restoring balance to the body, improving healing, and promoting health and wellness. Chiropractic care includes treatments like chiropractic adjustments, diet and nutritional counseling, physical therapy, and lifestyle modification. Chiropractic adjustments are particularly effective at treating sciatica. During a chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor slowly and gently manipulates the spine, muscles, joints, and limbs. This relieves pressure on the sciatic nerve, reducing sciatica pain and symptoms and restoring blood flow and range of motion.   

Spinal Decompression  

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical sciatica treatment option. This treatment uses a motorized traction table to gently stretch and manipulate the spine, muscles, limbs, and joints. While you lie on the table, our chiropractors will control the table’s movements using a computer program. As the table moves, it stretches your body and shifts the spine back into alignment, relieving pressure on the sciatica nerve. Spinal decompression also restores blood flow, improves circulation and range of motion, improves mobility, and reduces pain and inflammation. 

Therapeutic Exercises & Stretches

Your spine is supported by a network of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Therapeutic exercises and stretches strengthen that support system so that it can protect the spine from injury and reduce your risk of pain. Our chiropractors will recommend exercises and stretches that build core strength, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve balance, mobility, and flexibility. These exercises will ensure you continue healing and are less likely to develop sciatica symptoms again in the future. 

Learn More About Sciatica Treatment in Douglasville, GA 

If you’re interested in exploring non-surgical, drug-free sciatica treatment in Douglasville, GA contact us at Health for Life Chiropractic. Dr. Hattaway has decades of experience evaluating and diagnosing sciatica, and he can develop a personalized chiropractic sciatica treatment plan for you. His goal is to help you live a happy, healthy, pain-free life by overcoming sciatica pain and discomfort. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Sciatica