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Back and Neck Pain Treatment with Spinal Decompression

Written By Health For Life Chiropractic on January 15, 2022

Back Pain Treatment Health For Life Chiropractic

Back pain is an all-too-common ailment facing many individuals. Did you know back pain affects nearly 30% of Americans and ranks as one of the leading causes of disability? If you are suffering from persistent back pain, it is time to put your health first and seek care.

Health For Life Chiropractic is dedicated to providing accurate care that helps you live your best life. Our very own Dr. Hattaway is a former athlete, whose experience with a football injury led him to discover the restorative power of chiropractic care, and the goal to provide excellent care to every patient.

Seeking Treatment for Back Pain

Despite how common back pain is, it is crucial not to neglect your symptoms. Leaving your pain unattended can quickly develop into chronic issues that affect all aspects of your life. Symptoms of back pain may appear different for each patient, but commonly include:

  • Stiffness
  • Pins-and-needles sensation
  • Burning pain
  • Stabbing pain
  • Extreme weakness

Identifying your type of back pain is the first step on the path to recovery. Also consider lifestyle factors that may contribute to your pain. Common causes of back pain include:

  • Pinched nerves
  • Ruptured discs
  • Misalignments
  • Sports injuries
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Prolonged physical labor

Whether your pain is newly developed or chronic, seeking care is the most responsible action to take for your body.

How Spinal Decompression Can Help

While there are many options for back pain treatment, Dr. Hattaway recommends spinal decompression for effective pain relief and lasting results. Spinal decompression incorporates a specialized device, called a traction table, to help gently stretch your spine. The traction table is operated by Dr. Hattaway, who will carefully guide the treatment according to your needs.

During spinal decompression treatment, the movement of the traction table alleviates pressure on discs and nerves. Additionally, it is highly beneficial for promoting circulation of nutrient-rich oxygen, water, and spinal fluid. This gentle stretching motion is perfectly suited for supporting pain recovery and promoting long-term mobility.

Begin Your Pain-Free Lifestyle

If back pain has been a part of your life for too long, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hattaway at Health For Life Chiropractic. We look forward to welcoming you to our Douglasville office and providing the top-notch care you deserve.

Posted In: Chiropractic Low Back Pain Treatment Spinal Decompression